Blepharitis is a common eyelid inflammation leading to chronic burning, flaking, crusting, tearing, irritation, itching, redness in eyelid margins and a foreign body sensation. Some people experience a gritty, foreign body sensation almost like “sand being rubbed in my eyes“.
Blepharitis has two forms:
• Anterior blepharitis, affecting the base of the eyelashes.
• Posterior blepharitis, linked to dysfunction of oil-secreting Meibomian glands within the eyelids.
Our specialists will discuss the use of warm compresses and lid hygiene techniques as first line therapy for blepharitis.
Watch the video linked below for information regarding suggested technique for warm compresses and massage.
For more severe cases, a 6-week course of oral antibiotics may be required to reset the natural eyelid flora and reduce inflammatory matrix metalloprotease (MMP) cytokines. Our clinic also offers Blephex treatment, which is an electric hand piece that is used to very precisely spin a medical-grade micro-sponge along the edge of your eyelids and lashes, removing scurf and debris and exfoliating your eyelids. It is an in-office procedure that can be repeated every 4-6 months for patients with more severe blepharitis, in addition to other treatments.

Dry Eye

Dry eye is a common ocular condition where the eye produces insufficient tears or poor quality tears, which leads to chronic soreness, dryness, irritation, ocular discomfort and blurred vision. Dry eye disease can have a profound impact on a person’s quality of life.
It is becoming increasingly common, especially with prolonged screen time and artificially heated/air-conditioned working and living environments. It is crucial to determine the underlying cause for a patient’s dry eye. Listening carefully to your symptoms, combined with a thorough examination, is critical. Some patients have a deficiency of tear production, which may be due to factors such as an underlying auto-immune condition.
A Schirmer’s test is a useful method to quantify your tear production, and can be conducted in the office. Treatments include the use of ocular lubricant drops and gels (artificial tears), as well as methods to retain the tears that are produced (extended-wear synthetic punctual plugs).
Other patients may have underlying blepharitis/Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD) which affects the quality of the tears that are produced. Treatment of such underlying issues is needed to maximise symptom relief.
Further treatment options for patients with dry eye include nutritional supplementation, and topical immunosuppressant drops (topical cyclosporine). Our specialists will discuss the hierarchy of treatment options that best suit your condition during your consultation.